This page outlines the terms and conditions of business for all customers intending to use the products and services on, a website owned by Brovelle LTD and managed by Global E-Commerce Solutions Korea Co. Ltd. This document outlines the terms and conditions under which agrees to carry out its products and services to you.

These terms and conditions of business are important, so please make sure that you read them carefully. These terms and conditions may be updated from time to time without prior notice. Your continued use of this website following any amendments to these terms and conditions signifies that you agree to be bound by the new terms and conditions. As such, please check back to this page regularly for updates where any amendments will be posted.

No variations of these terms and conditions shall be binding unless this has been agreed in writing by both the customer and the company.


  • The website sells learning materials to teach customers various skills of website development.
  • The content is all sold in a digital and electronic format which includes Audiobooks, eBooks, Videos, and software.
  • This website also sells consulting sessions with website development experts which can be booked online and are conducted via video conferencing software.
  • All customers intending to make use of these products and services will need to set up an account with us before they can avail of these.
  • Setting up an account is free and there are no membership or subscription fees for this service. All items and sessions are priced individually. For more information refer to the Payments section below.


  • All customers looking to book a consultation session or individual tutorial with one of our experts will also need to create an account.
  • These individual sessions cost from $29.70 per hour. Pricing starts as soon as a customer has accepted a call from a consultant.
  • All customers that accept a call from one of our consultants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
  • Customers must agree to pay for all the time that they use with consultants and all sessions must be paid for in advance.
  • Refunds are not accepted for sessions with consultants.
  • Consultants will advise on how much time or how many sessions will be needed depending on the customer's requirement before making any bookings or charging for these sessions. For example, customers looking to work with a consultant to build a website from scratch will need a number of sessions spanning a number of hours. Customers needing advice, having questions about a particular issue, or wanting to learn just one skill may need less.
  • Customers will only be charged for the time that they use so half-hour slots will cost half price etc.
  • Customers must agree to provide the team at with as much information as possible when booking a session with a consultant. This is essential information that the team will require to carry out the work properly.
  • For website development projects, customers will be required to sign off on each stage of the development and no websites will go live until the customer and consultant have both made an agreement and signed off on the final project.


  • All content and learning materials that are for sale online via must be purchased online through the customer’s account using Visa and Mastercard debit and credit cards.
  • All payments are processed through a secure payment platform that uses SSL encryption technology. For more information about this and the security of your billing information please read our Privacy Policy.
  • Customers must pay in full for all services before they are able to use it.
  • For content and learning materials this means customers must pay for the item before they are able to download it.
  • Prices for learning materials vary, but all prices are clearly displayed next to each item.
  • Customers will be billed for tutorials and consultancy services as soon as they have requested a call from a member of the team.
  • Customers must pay for all consultancy sessions in advance.
  • All bills for products and services, items from the shop, and tutorial sessions will be emailed electronically to the email address that the customer has provided when they opened their account with us.
  • All transactions will be displayed using the billing descriptor Developerguides on the customers' bank statement.


  • All learning materials are offered on an instant basis and consultancy services are available throughout every week.
  • There are no shipping or handling fees for any of the products that are bought on the e-shop.
  • All learning materials will be emailed to the email address associated with the customer account as soon as the payment has been processed. This is expected to be instant but can sometimes take up to 24 hours depending on which bank the customer is with.
  • If it has been more than 24 hours and you still have not received the materials that you ordered, then this is usually an electronic error which we will be able to rectify as soon as possible. Please get in touch with us using the contact information available at the bottom on this page.


  • Sessions with consultants are non-refundable.
  • Learning materials are only refundable if there is a genuine fault with the product or if it has not arrived.
  • If you have proof that there is a genuine fault with the product you ordered, then please let us know within 7 working days of it arriving.
  • Unfortunately, we will not be able to process any refunds which are requested after this time period.
  • If you believe that you are entitled to a refund, then please get in touch with a member of the team by using the contact information at the bottom of this page.


  • Customers looking to terminate their contract with us and remove their account need to arrange this in writing.
  • This can be arranged by contacting us using the information at the bottom of your page.
  • For all requests for account terminations, please contact us using the email address that is associated with your account and provide a brief explanation as to why you no longer wish to engage with our products and services.
  • We reserve the right to terminate the account of any customers at any time without prior notice if we have reason to believe they have violated any of these terms and conditions.


  • When customers have paid for the content and downloaded it then they become the owner of that content and are granted a limited license to view it.
  • This license grants the customer permission to view and use the content for their personal use only.
  • Downloaded content must be stored on the customer’s device only and used only by the customer that has purchased it.
  • The following uses of downloaded content are prohibited: creating any unauthorised digital copies of that content; sharing the content with any third parties; adapting and republishing the content in any way; allowing public access to any of the content via sharing platforms or Intranets.
  • Any customers found to be violating any of these conditions will have their account removed and further access denied to all products and services on


The owners of do not accept any liability for the potential of any losses of earnings that are experienced by a customer or a business when a new website that we have helped to create has been launched.

If a customer launches a website following use of the products and services provided by and it has to be taken offline for any maintenance, then we will also not be liable for any losses that are experienced during this time.

The company does also not accept any liability for any missed deadlines or launch dates which are caused by a delay on the customer’s part.


If you have any questions or comments regarding these terms and conditions, then please get in touch with us using the contact information provided.